All Quiet on the Western Front: Chapters 10-12

Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 11093

Whew! The war is ending! Now what? Does life go on as usual? How does war affect individuals, society, and countries? Write a found poem using lines from each chapter to express your ideas!


Literary Studies, World

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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The end of World War I is finally here!

Discover what happens to Paul and his friends as the war ended in 1918!

Congratulations! You've reached the final chapters of All Quiet on the Western Front.

Germany is now losing the war, but the soldiers must battle on to make their way back home. In the book's final chapters, you'll discover the fate of Paul and his remaining friends as the war drew to a close in November 1918.

Before reading Chapters 10-12, there are some vocabulary words to define. Look up the following words in either a print or online dictionary ( and write down their definitions on a separate sheet of paper. Then, write a sentence for each word using it correctly in the sentence's context.

  idyll   eiderdown   petrified
  uppish   fastidious   palmy
  baldaquin   chattel   perambulator
  litany   hitherto   surreptitious
  convoy   discomfited   proffer
  fatuous   forlorn   rapt
  commissariat   banal   evasive
  niggard   superfluous    


Now that you've finished defining the vocabulary terms and writing sentences for them, it's time to read Chapters 10-12. Remember to have your All Quiet on the Western Front Characters handout (from the first Related Lesson in this series) nearby to fill out any final information about the characters from the last chapters in the novel.

When you've finished reading Chapters 10-12, move on to the Got It? section to check your knowledge of these chapters.

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